Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lesson One From The Mat to Our Lives: Breathe


      Practicing yoga has taught me how to truly breathe. Sure breathing is something we all do all the time but often we forget to breathe or we hold our breath.  We forget to breathe when life gets difficult. When we are holding a difficult pose, when we are nervous, anxious, or afraid.
      My practice has taught me how to breathe in life's difficult circumstances. Breathing on my mat while holding a challenging pose helps me breather better off of my mat and in life.  It has taught me how to be present in my body.
       I have learned that taking a few deep breaths will calm me down when I am feeling stressed or anxious.  It helps me to bring my attention inward. Focusing on my breath can slow my mind and help me feel centered when my mind is racing.  Don't we all want something to help slow our minds at times?  Practice yoga and practice breathing :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Perfectionism and Yoga

Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached. - Yoga Sutras

     Often we come to yoga with a destination or goal in mind.  We want to achieve or master a certain posture or postures.  We think that if we can get into an inversion or finally bind in another we will be doing yoga.  We become so attached to the final expression of the pose we miss the essence of yoga.  The goal of asana is not to push or stretch or bend our bodies into a position.  The asana practice is done to teach us to be present, to practice non judgement, and learn contentment.  
     If we become so attached to the final expression of a posture we are not being present.  We are often pushing our selves too hard.  So how do we find a balance?  We must let go of our attachments, we must be present in the postures, and we must learn to accept where we are in that moment.  Each day we come to our mats we are a little different than the day before.  Maybe our balance is better or worse than the previous day or maybe we are more stiff or more flexible.  We have to learn to trust we are exactly were we are meant to be.   knowing that with consistent practice we will grow and transform without being attached to any outcomes.  This is the practice of yoga. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why Yoga?

Why are so many people doing yoga?

     There are many benefits that come from the practice of yoga.  Everyone has their own reasons for coming to their mat.  I originally came to practice because of my job and needing to have a knowledge of what yoga is.  As my practice developed I came back to my mat to relieve pain in my body and de-stress and let go.  My time on the mat was for me and me only.
     As my practice has grown and evolved so have the reasons I come to the mat.  I come for peace, I come for stillness, I come for joy, I come for release, I come for energy, I come for strength.  I come to the mat because it makes me a better person.
     What brings you to your mat?